Happy New Year!

January 1, 2009

We hope everyone had a great start to 2009 today. We are looking forward to an exciting year. We will be starting off very soon with an entire new design. You will see a fresh new look on everything we do. Here’s a sneak peek:

New Website – We have decided to go for a new look. One that showcases what we do in a better light. A site that you can see more of the images that we capture.

New Blog – The prep-work has been done and we are working hard on a new design that will go hand in hand with the new website.

New Client Proofing – While we have not settled on a final solution yet we want something that has a better feel to it. A proofing gallery and shopping cart that looks as great as the new website and blog.

There are a few more changes that we have in store but what fun would it be to spoil the surprise. Keep watching over the next few weeks as we begin to roll out the new face of what we do. As always, we welcome suggestions and any feedback you feel like giving.

Happy New Year everyone, we are looking forward to “shooting you” over the coming year. 😀

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