I was made aware of some issues with the blog the other day and I have been feverishly working trying to get them fixed. Needless to say if you are using pretty much any version Internet Explorer you are not going to be seeing this. At least not right now because there apparently is an issue with the way the IE is parsing this web page. Now, if you are using Firefox or Chrome or Safari you’re golden. Since I primarily use Firefox and Chrome on a Mac I didn’t immediately notice the issue with IE until someone brought it to my attention. So, while I was digging around I noticed another issue. On some PC’s there is an issue with Java in which the flash header is blocking the drop-down menu items. Again, on a Mac none of these issues show up so it wasn’t immediately apparent. Hopefully I’ll have it fixed soon. Or, everyone can run out and buy a Mac and I won’t have to worry about it, right? :p