Posts Tagged ‘Arboretum’

The Yarbrough Family

October 25, 2009

What do you do with a great looking couple that is as much fun to shoot as they are in love with each other? Let them be themselves and capture it all. We had so much fun last Saturday and we pretty much had run of the entire Arboretum. We made it in just before they closed up for the evening so the only other thing going on were a couple of wedding setups and a few folks that came late in the day as well. What was even better was that these two spotted some trains on the way and we decided to check them out when we got done. I am so glad we did. We ended up with some amazing imagery!

Falling in Love

The Road Ahead



Podeszwa Kids

November 23, 2008

I normally publish posts with the date of the photo shoot. Either shortly after the shoot or the same day. This shoot was done on the down-low by Dad as a surprise for their Mom with a little help and coordination from their friends and family on November 8th. Since that’s the case I’m not publishing this post until now. Now that their mom has her surprise.

This group is your typical brother/sister group. The sisters enjoy pestering their brother and vice versa.






October 26, 2008

Summer was a cutie. She was constantly moving and had some of the greatest expressions.


September 13, 2008

This family shoot was a lot of fun and also a source of pride. Michael is a US Marine just back from Iraq and him and his wife and daughter are being stationed in Norfolk so they have to pack up and move very soon. This was the last chance we had to get a shoot in with the entire family.

Semper Fi