Posts Tagged ‘Bridals’
Without a doubt, we always have so much fun with bridals. We always allow AT LEAST twice as much time for our bridal sessions than we do for our portrait sessions. Not only because it’s a little more difficult to move around in a wedding dress but also we end up running across awesome locations to shoot. This time we have to express our extreme gratitude to Keller Williams Realty in McKinney for the impromptu use of their amazing and beautiful Adriatica office as one of our backdrops!

Tags: Adriatica, Bridals, LDS, McKinney
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This month’s Photo of the Month was a hands down winner. It comes from Rebecca’s bridal session that we did in downtown Grapevine. Here’s the back-story, when we pulled up to this one spot there were a group of guys that had their Harley’s parked close to where we were going to shoot. There was also a classic car. While shooting with the classic car we thought it would be cool to see if the guys would mind us using their Harleys as a backdrop as well. Not only did they say ok they said, “Sit on it!” So Rebecca did. Some of the best photographic moments come out of unplanned, unposed situations like these. The group of guys were awesome for letting us borrow their rides and Rebecca was the perfect model for the situation. Her looks and fun loving, do anything attitude made it work, and work very well.

Tags: Bridals, Grapevine, Photo of the Month
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We had such a blast shooting Rebecca’s bridals in downtown Grapevine. We ran across a great bunch of guys that couldn’t help but let a gorgeous redhead use one of their Harleys as a backdrop. They were great and the shots that resulted were awesome as well. After seeing how they turned out I need to shoot red heads and motorcycles more often. 😉 Just about every spot we went to in Downtown Grapevine we got great shots. Rebecca is one of those brides that just looks great no matter what. Jacob has quite a catch and the two of them together make for an awesome pair.

Tags: Bridals, Grapevine
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I pulled this month’s PotM from Kari’s bridal shoot that we did at the Hickory Street Annex. When I was going through and doing the post processing it just kept coming back to me. I’m not sure if it’s how she’s posed or if it’s the combination of the subtle colors or the composition. I just like it.

Tags: Bridals, Hickory Street Annex, Photo of the Month
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